EVALUATION SHEET: Please return this via E-mail to PARTNERS@world.std.com or by mail to: Holmstead Partners P.O. Box 50452 Provo, UT 84605-0452 (Please feel free to speak your mind--we appreciate your input) QUESTIONNAIRE FEATURES: --------- 1) Features you liked in Mass User Management (MUM): 2) Features you would like to see integrated into MUM: PRESENTATION: ------------- 1) Likes and dislikes about how data, menus, dialog boxes were presented to you: 2) Recommendations FUNCTIONALITY, ERRORS, BUGS, ETC: --------------------------------- 1) Indicate any problems, bugs or inconvenient functionality about MUM. 2) What feature did you use most extensively? 3) What enhancements would you recommed for MUM. 4) Overall likes, dislikes of MUM. OTHER COMMENTS: ---------------